Ethan’s First Sacrament Meeting Talk

Ethan gave his first talk in Sacrament meeting today. His topic was “the creation”. I have to admit that I’m rather surprised he actually went through with it. He has NEVER gone up to the front to participate in a primary program. Actually I might be wrong, he might have gone to the front that one primary program when Kyle and I were teachers and Kyle sat on the stand with our class while I sat in the audience with our little ones that were too young for primary. He did a good job on preparing his talk, but I could tell that he was not thrilled to be up there by the way that he mumbled his way through it. Lots of people complimented him on it, and others told me how much they enjoyed it, so it was received well at least. 🙂

Fast Offering Collections

Turning twelve means Ethan is having a lot of firsts lately. Today he got to go out and help collect fast offerings for the first time. He went to meet with the other boys at the house of one of his leaders at 9 this morning. After awhile he was at our front door to collect our fast offering. Adam was excited to see Ethan at the door and growled to him in salutation. Then Ethan and his companions went on their way to finish their assigned route. Kyle and I weren’t too sure what to expect this first time sending him out. After awhile we were wondering if the boys had just gone to the church to turn in the donations and if we should just get going so we could meet Ethan there. Shortly after Kyle and I were considering this, Ethan walked in the door and it was time to load everybody up and head to the church. 🙂

Merit Badges

Ethan earned a couple of merit badges at the Fall BYU pow wow a few months ago, but he hadn’t been awarded them yet because the blue cards hadn’t been turned in. After asking around and getting some confusing answers as to who to turn them in to, I got them turned in so they could be awarded at the court of honor tonight.

We went to the court of honor expecting Ethan to receive two merit badges. When they called him up there and started reading off the merit badges in the pile for him, he received SIX! I guess he earned three during his time with the 11 year olds group, and he moved up to the deacons group just in time to earn one with them.



Expecting two and coming home with six! I thought it was a nice surprise. 🙂

The fang fairy strikes!

We have been reading a series of books called the Dragon Keepers, and in the book we are currently reading, Emmy, the dragon, really wants to believe in Santa Clause and the “fang fairy”. When, in the book, Emmy lost one of her fangs she hid it under her pillow of socks and didn’t tell her keepers about it, but when she woke up she found that the tooth had been taken and no money had been left and she was really upset.

Ethan lost a fang tooth this morning, and Kyle told him he better watch out or the fang fairy may come and take his tooth. Then I said “Ya the fake fang fairy.” Kyle took it a step further and said what if it’s a fluffy fake fang fairy. We continued to talk about this when Kyle decided to get a little more crazy, and said that maybe it will be a fluffy fat fake fang fairy….named Frederick. We laughed and Tyra commented on how it’s become a tongue twister when Kyle decided to to make it even more crazy and suggested that maybe there were FIVE fluffy fat fake fang fairies: Frederick, Francis, Francine, Frank….and Phil!

Passing the Sacrament

Ethan passed the sacrament in church for the first time today. He got to be in the position to take the sacrament up to the Bishopric even! He looked like he was a little unsure of what he was supposed to be doing. He did run into a challenge at the end though. He ran out of bread in the middle of a row, but he didn’t tell any of the other boys, and he didn’t switch trays with any of the other boys. So a member of the Bishopric had to stand up and ask if everyone had had a chance to receive the bread, and one of the other boys went over to that row and took care of it. So we had a talk with Ethan after church about what he should do if he runs into that situation again. 🙂