Ethan’s second week of school

Ethan has successfully completed his second week of school. He REALLY likes school now. I was concerned that he was going to have issues with not having someone he knows in his class. But he is really enjoying it, and looks forward to going every day. In fact he was kind of mad when I told him that he doesn’t get to go to school on Saturdays and Sundays, and that Monday was a holiday and there was no school that day either.

This week at school the whole kindergarten are learning about their colors, and learning how to read the color names. The kindergarten teachers thought it would be fun if each day there was a focus on one color and asked all the kindergarteners to wear the color of the day. So last weekend we set out the clothes for the week, each day it’s own color. Tyra and Jeremy wanted to wear the color of the day too.

Tuesday was red day.


Ethan’s first finger painting! He calls it Clifford (the big red dog). So neat for a kid his age.

Wednesday was yellow day.


Thursday was blue day.


I love this painting. Ethan calls this the ocean. All the colors seem to be carefully placed, and there are even smiling fishies in the water.

Friday was green day.


Three trees made of construction paper, and pasted on paper.

Ethan’s first day of school

Well, Ethan started school today. Kyle even took the day off so we could all walk him down. He was so excited and got up early to get ready. I made crepes, Ethan’s favorite breakfast for his first day. As we walked out the front door, we saw other families on the street out front of their houses taking pictures of their kindergartners on their first day of school. The next door neighbor was out taking pictures of their little girl, then we came out and started taking pictures of Ethan. We then joined the parade of all the families out walking their kids to school. As we walked down the street other parents joined in, taking pictures of their kids and then they joined the long parade. It was a rather funny sight. We decided to take Chewy along with us for the walk. So Kyle and I, our four kids, Wendy and Chewy went out to walk Ethan to school.

When we got to the school they were having a “BooHoo Breakfast”. They had little muffins and fruit along with orange juice and water bottles. Ethan didn’t want anything, as he was so excited to be around the other kids on the playground, then tension was mounting as 9:15 approached. Then the teachers came out and the bell rang, and it was time for Ethan to go into his classroom and for us to go back home. That was when Ethan was suddenly not excited any more. He turned around from where he was in line to look for us and he was starting to cry with a big pouty face. 🙁 He made me almost start crying.
