Ethan’s 6 year check-up

Well Ethan had his 6 year check-up today. When I said that it was time to leave he ran and hid. 🙁 He weighed in at 38.6 pounds wich is like 3 pounds less than he weighed when he went in about 3 weeks ago for the strep throat (but that time he was wearing his jacket and shoes and this time he wasn’t). I am really concerned for Ethan, being 6 years old and only 38 pounds. Last year at his 5 year check up he weighed 36 pounds so over the year he has only gained 2.6 pounds, which just isn’t a lot. He is now 44 inches tall so he gained 2 1/2 inches of height over the year. We also had the doctor check out his throat since he was complaining that it was hurting again. And he has a strep throat relapse, so the doctor prescribed a different antibiotic this time so that it would be more effective.

Ethan’s 6th birthday part 2

We had a family dinner tonight to celebrate Ethan’s birthday. Daddy was home and Debby and her boyfriend Jeff came out, and Wendy got home from work in time to spend the evening with us. I made a couple of homemade pizza’s and Kyle made some breadsticks to go with. Yummmm

Ethan only had one piece of pizza then rushed to the living room asking everybody else why they weren’t done yet and telling everyone to finish eating so he could open his presents. Silly boy. Everyone took their sweet time in eating dinner and when everyone was finished we moved to the living room so Ethan could open his presents.


When he was finished opening his presents, I put on a home video from when I was about 6 years old so we could watch the scene where Debby was about 3 years old or so and she was throwing a major fit. 😀 It was awesome. I think Debby quite enjoyed laughing at herself.

Then it was cake time. Ethan picked a butter pecan cake, and I went to make it this afternoon and discovered that we didn’t have any more cooking oil. So Kyle got some cooking oil on his way home from work and I finished making the cake and baked it after dinner came out of the oven. So by the time we got around to eating the cake, it was still warm. 🙂 It was very nice. I decorated the cake by putting Ethan’s name in m&m’s across the top and a 6 under his name. I had asked Kyle to get the candles out of the cupboard for me and he found a box of Hanukkah candles. So he asked Ethan if he wanted BIG candles on his cake. Ethan’s eyes got really big and with a huge grin Ethan whispered “YA!” It was so funny.


Ethan’s 6th birthday part 1

Today is Ethan’s 6th birthday, and he is just so excited. At school he got a birthday crown to wear for the day, and his class sang ‘Happy birthday’ to him dinosaur style: Happy birthday to you ROAAAAR!……. I came just a little bit before school was out to bring the birthday treat he selected, which was cookies with “pretty m&m’s in them”. I remember when I was in elementary school we got to make and bring cupcakes. Times have changed a lot since I was a kid. Now-a-days you can’t bring cupcakes to school for the birthday treat because the teachers say cupcakes make too much of a mess, and you can’t bring anything homemade. I remember when I was in the fifth grade I personally made my cupcakes to take to my class, and now you just can’t do that. Anyway here is a picture of the birthday boy:


Ethan has strep throat

Ethan was complaining yesterday of a sore throat. He would whine every time he had to swallow and would just moan because it hurt. But he would still yell and make all kinds of noise, so I didn’t think much of it. But today he asked me to look in his throat and it was quite swollen and then he actually asked to go see the doctor, and that is just not normal for that boy. So I called up the doctor after-hours and made an appointment to take him in. Kyle came with us and sat in the room with Ethan, while I waited in the waiting room with the others. The nurse took a swab to the back of Ethan’s throat 🙁 and did a culture. The culture was positive, he has strep throat. 🙁 What a way to start out the winter break (at least he won’t miss any school). The doctor gave him a presciption and said that he would be contagious for the next 24 hours. (YAY he won’t still be contagious by Christmas, so the family can still come over.)

Ethan’s first day riding his bike to school


Ethan has been seeing his friends Jacob and Brayden occasionally riding their bikes to school and yesterday he decided he wanted to do the same. He didn’t have a helmet and we were running late so I said “not today, but maybe tomorrow.” Well after Dinah’s check-up yesterday, we went to Target and they happened to have some nice looking inexpensive helmets, so we got one for Ethan, one for Tyra and even Jeremy got one. So this morning Ethan was very excited and ready to go to school early, and I got the bike out of the garage, so he could ride to school. He rode all the way to school quite successfully, with me reminding him that when his foot gets to the top it’s time for him to push down with that foot. He did really well and when it came time to pick him up from school he rode all the way home, only falling off once. Thanks to Grandpa and Grandma he has a bike with training wheels, otherwise he would have fallen off a lot more than that 😉