A Mystery

Last weekend when my family were here for Tyra’s birthday and baptism, Debby spent a lot of time out in our garage, and out walking around our neighborhood looking for Diva. We also noticed that Rolly wasn’t hanging around either. Here we are a week later and there is still no sign of either cat. I have no idea what happened to them. Kyle has been to the animal shelter in Lindon to search for them (considering that is where the officer that picked up Jango, on the loose, took her). And Debby has walked all over our neighborhood and she even went to the local Eagle Mountain animal shelter. They weren’t at any of those places. I have been running through all the possibilities in my head. If  they were hit by a car, or eaten by a coyote or a cougar or something I really think they would have gone missing one at a time.  The fact that they both disappeared at the same time tells me that maybe a police officer picked them up and took them somewhere. But they weren’t at the shelters when Kyle and Debby checked, so the whole thing is just a mystery. And just for the record, both cats did have collars BUT cats don’t like collars and therefore don’t stop messing with them until they figure out how to get them off.

Debby is really upset that her cat is missing. I am also really upset that Rolly is gone, mainly because he was an excellent mouser. We have not had any problems with rodents of any kind while he was on duty. The only voles or rodents we have really seen are the dead ones that he left on the porch for us. I have heard many of the people in our ward complain of the voles, and even moles and gophers recently. So now that Rolly is missing, I’m really nervous that we are going to be seeing more issues with rodents.

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