Activity Days

Now that Tyra is eight years old she gets to participate in activity days. The first activity after her birthday was a mother, daughter activity. So I went with her to the church. One of the leaders got up and gave a bit of a talk about how special each girls name is and how when they were born that was one of the first questions all the family asked, “What’s her name?” So the moms got to help the girls make plaque’s with their names on them.


After that we got to fill out a pedigree chart starting with our daughters. That part was kind of funny to me. I’ve been into family history for awhile and I actually know the names of the most recent generations pretty well. Actually the hardest part for me was trying to decide which name to put down for certain people, just because there are a few of them that have 2 names. For example, my grandmother has her birth name, “Valla Dia Rae Fields” and her adopted name, “Shirley Ann Mason”. And there are a couple others that have two names, so I had to debate within myself which name I should help Tyra put down on the chart. It was funny though to see the others around me calling home to ask their hubby’s about what family member’s names are because they can’t remember it to get it written down. Then we finished the night off with some dessert. Tyra was really excited that she got to go. I think she was bummed that I helped a lot with the projects instead of just letting her do it, but hey isn’t that why it was a mother, daughter activity?

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