Mother’s Day

For Mother’s day this year I actually got to have all my kids home with me! At church most of my kids went up to participate in singing Mother’s day songs with the primary. Ethan has never gone up to sing with the primary, probably never will. The kids made some things for me in school, and they gave them to me after church. Ethan’s looks like a newspaper article in the “Mom’s Gazette” titled “Worlds Best Mom”.

13 May 2012

In case you can’t read all of Ethan’s handwriting it says: “My mom rocks. She is so Awesome. When she plays vidio games with me it makes me so happy. I love doing things with her especially cleaning my room. She is so good at cooking. She really is the best!”

Tyra’s teacher helped her fill out a questionnaire for me.

  1. What is something your Mom always says to you? Clean up my room
  2. What makes your Mom happy? A clean house
  3. What makes your Mom sad? When we have a dirty house
  4. How does your Mom make you laugh? By tickling me
  5. What do you think your Mom was like as a child? Long hair
  6. How old is your Mom? 29
  7. How tall is your Mom? I don’t know
  8. What is your Mom’s favorite thing to do? Sleep
  9. What does your Mom do when you’re not around? Clean the house
  10. If your Mom becomes famous what will it be for? Cleaning her house
  11. What is your Mom really good at? Cooking
  12. What is your Mom not very good at? Yelling
  13. What does your Mom do for her job? Take care of her kids
  14. What is your Mom’s favorite food? Pizza
  15. What makes you proud of your Mom? Coming to my baptism
  16. If your Mom were a cartoon character who would she be? Minnie Mouse
  17. What do you and your Mom do together? Wake up
  18. How are you and your Mom the same? We both have brown hair
  19. How are you and your Mom different? My mom is an adult and I am a kid
  20. How do you know your Mom loves you? By being mean to bad guys, she takes care of me
  21. Where is your Mom’s favorite place to go? Her mom and dads house
  22. Why do you love your Mom? Because she is my mom

Jeremy made a packet for me, about me.

It is titled “My Mom”

Inside there are several pages, each with one sentence and then a picture that he drew to go with. I won’t post that many pages here, but I will include what each page says.

I like to cLean up with my mom.

My mom looks prettiest when Seh she win wearS a purpl necKlace.

The best thing my mom cooks is chiLi.

My mom makes me feel really special when she PLAYS with bat man.

Her favorite color purple

Her favorite foods tacos

Her favorite flowers daisies

Her favorite music Abba

Her favorite thing to do help Tyra do girl scouts

My mom smells like normal

So all three of my school aged kids mention cleaning. Ethan and Tyra both say that I am good at cooking. Tyra and Jeremy have different ideas of what my favorite food is. I have no idea where Tyra’s answer for question #20 comes from. I think it’s funny that Jeremy claims the best thing that I cook is chili, when most of the kids won’t eat homemade chili. They prefer western family chili from a can. And I really don’t play with Bat Man. I have played Lego Bat Man with Jeremy, So I think that’s what he means there. 😉 I have to admit their answers to the questions did make me laugh.

Kyle got me some See’s, and a Kindle Fire. I have made it very clear to him that I much prefer reading actual BOOKS to using an electronic reader. But I think he got it for me because I complained about missing my to do list and my calendar on my Palm Zire (which died a while ago). So I think he intends this to replace that. All in all Mother’s day this year was much better than last year, which I spent sick, and alone with my newborn Lydia. I had a much better day this year. 🙂

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