Looking at the Bright Side

Things that I am grateful for as we are cleaning up vomit in the middle of the night:
1) I am grateful that Adam was on our bed when Jeremy threw up all over Adam’s bed and their room on his way to the toilet. Otherwise, Jeremy would have thrown up all over Adam’s bed, the floor, the wall, a bit of Ethan’s bed AND on Adam!
2) I am grateful that Adam didn’t stay on our bed like he was instructed, because he was next to throw up while we were working on the first mess. If he had stayed like I asked him to, he would have thrown up on our bed and then Kyle and I would have had no bedding on our bed when we were all done cleaning up and were ready to go back to bed.
3) I am somewhat grateful that we have two kids throwing up (and one more going between her bed and the toilet as she complains that she feels like she is going to). I know this one doesn’t sound like much of a blessing. But Seth threw up Tuesday evening and if it took three days to get from one person to the next and if it only ever hit one person at a time, it could literally take a month to get through our family of 10.
4) I am grateful that despite all the lights that were on and all the noise with kids crying because they don’t feel well and the noise of the carpet cleaner, Seth and Lydia slept through it all.
5) I am grateful we own a carpet cleaner. I don’t even want to think about how we would have cleaned it all up without one.

Oh and it’s amazing what a happy sound barf going into the toilet is… After waking up to the sound of barf going everywhere BUT the toilet.

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