“I Do Mine Job?”

I have a chore chart up on the fridge that sort of splits up some basic chores amongst the kids so I don’t always end up asking Ethan or Tyra to do everything. Ethan and Tyra have more spots on the chart than the younger ones, but as they get older they are expected to help out more. Lydia has one job each day, and that is it. Today her job is loading and unloading the dishwasher. Obviously she can’t do all of that herself, but she likes to hand me the plates and other dishes so that I can put them away, and then I let her sort out the kids silverware on her own.


She gets SO EXCITED to do her job! She will run into the kitchen and say “I do mine job?” Much much different than the older kids who all moan, or grumble or just fall to the floor when I remind them that it’s their turn to do something.

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