Train trip and other adventures

The UTA was doing a special to encourage people to try out the train in an effort to help keep the air quality nice. So Kyle signed himself and myself up for the freebie train tickets. We got a group ticket at the station and the littlest kiddos rode free and we went on an adventure on the train.


The kids were so excited. I remember taking a train trip when I was younger, but I don’t remember where we went, I just remember being on the train, and I think there was a snack bar, and I vaguely remember some Cinco de Mayo celebrations going on wherever it was that we got off. So I knew that this would be something that the kids would find fun and could end up being a happy memory for them when they are older.





The train goes all the way up to Ogden, so that is where we went first. We had lunch in this old train car turned into a restaurant.


Then we got back on the train and headed back south. We decided to get off in Salt Lake and walk around a bit, which turned into doing a tour at the conference center.




The kids thought it was funny to all lay down on the bench in the middle of the room.



Towards the end of our tour we got to go up on the roof of the conference center, which was pretty cool. The pyramid looking things are actually the skylights that shine into the main room of the conference center. Here they are covered, to keep the light from shining through.



The kids were instantly drawn to the water, as they always are. The trees in the background are part of the gardens on the top of the conference center. On either side of the roof there are plants are trees planted that are native to Utah, which I found pretty cool.


Once our tour of the conference center was over, we got to walk around the temple grounds a little bit.



I think those trees in the background look cool.


Lydia saw all the other climbing up the stairs of the temple and wanted to do the same, but I really didn’t want to pull her out of the stroller and end up needing to chase her, so I made her happy by taking a picture of her in front of the temple. 🙂


Once again….kids attracted to the water… 😛


By this time in the day, we were all tired, and some of the kids were starting to get cranky so we decided it was time to walk back to the train and go home. I think it was a good day though, and I’m pretty sure the kids had fun. 🙂

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