Another Interview and Another Job Offer

Back when I passed my resume along for the my previous “Opportunities” post, I had also sent it to another former coworker who went to a small company called Venafi. He explained that they had a support team and were looking to fill some positions, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have a talk with them and see if they would be interested. A few months had passed with my hearing nothing, and I figured they weren’t interested. Then this coworker sent me a message one day, asking if I ever heard from the manager, and I told him I hadn’t, and the next thing I knew was they were contacting me for an interview.

This afternoon I went into their office in Sandy, near the South Towne Mall, and had quite an interesting interview with a few members of their management. They were impressed with the experience I had on my current product, as their software offers management of security certificates, and I was one of the only candidates that had actually set up a server environment to create these, so I understood much of the terminology they used, and felt comfortable with the environment and people I spoke to. It was different, or maybe I’m just feeling more confident?

Anyway, this evening I got a call back from the manager, offering me a job. During the interview, when he asked how much I was making, I decided to include my additional perks, like company stock I was going to get this year, so when he made the offer, it was actually comparable with the number I gave him. He said to think it over and he would send me an official offer by email tomorrow.

Why do I let myself get into these situations?

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