First Inspection and Drywall

Dave came over this morning to get ready for the inspector to come see the basement. I let him downstairs and a little later the inspector arrived. I let him in the house, and then I let him downstairs. Just a few minutes later he came back up and after saying that it looks like we’re all set, he left. That was QUICK! I went downstairs to talk to Dave to see how it went and he said that everything looked great and that the inspector did suggest that we get some more insulation down there. I guess there are energy efficient tax rebates that we would qualify for if we added more insulation. So after talking to Kyle about it, we decided to do it.

As Dave was getting ready to leave he told me that drywall was going to be here at one, and that he didn’t set that time. The drywall guys called him and told him that that was when they were going to be here. So today, I put the kids down for their naps very excited and anxious about the arrival of our drywall. The main guy in charge of the drywall job, Weston, was here at one to look over everything and to see if the drywall will fit through the bedroom window so they don’t have to carry each piece in through the house and down the stairs. Dave also came back to go over everything with him and they had to move my can racks into the utility closet (they had been taken apart for this) so that they don’t have to continually move them out of the way. The truck with the drywall was running late, but it finally arrived and they unloaded the drywall into the basement. 🙂

We got a stack in the boys room:


A stack in the girls room:


And a stack in the family room:


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