Tyra’s Baptism

Tyra was baptized this morning! Some of my family came into town for the occasion, and so we were up quite early this morning so that we would have plenty of time to get all the kids ready and for all the adults to have plenty of time for their turn in the bathrooms! Even so we got to the stake center nice and early, and found that they had switched the room that our ward was supposed to meet in. We were scheduled to be in the chapel, but when we got there, we were told that we were going to be in the primary room instead. So we went to the primary room and Kyle took Tyra to find the jumpers.


Tyra got to share her baptism with one of her friends from church, which was a little different for me. I had no idea what to expect with that, just because my own baptism was a convert baptism, and I shared it with my siblings, but it was just our family and our family’s guests. Ethan was the only kid from our ward being baptized in January of last year, so he didn’t have to share either.

We ended up starting late, because we were waiting for Liesl and Karen to arrive. I think Liesl got a bit lost trying to find the right building, and then she found the other stake center, which USED to be our stake center (until they split the stake and we became a part of the new stake!) She called Laurel and Laurel guided her to the correct building. But then it turned out that Ian wasn’t with them and he actually had her church clothes. So she didn’t feel right coming in until she had changed. I had to tell her that Kyle said he would rather have her there in the wrong clothes than not there at all, so I think she came right in.

I was rather stressed, but after all, the important people were there and we got started, my main focus was being where I was supposed to be. Laurel gave the talk on baptism and after that, it was time to relocate to the relief society room for the actual baptisms. Tyra was first, and so Dad and Roine went to the front to be the witnesses. I stood in the back so that I could see in the mirror, and after Kyle had baptized her I left the room so that I could go help her get out of the wet clothes and get her ready to go back to the primary room. We did stand in the sidelines to watch her friend Brayden be baptized before we left for the bathrooms though.

Despite being baptized first and heading off to the bathroom first, Tyra was last to return to the primary room. Sister Ward (Brayden’s mom) gave the talk on the Holy Ghost, and then it was time for the confirmations. Brother Monsen (counselor in our bishopric) asked Tyra and Brayden how they were feeling. Tyra’s answer was “Cold”. Then after the confirmation, he asked them again and her answer was “Happy”. After that it was time to sing and have a closing prayer, and we got to hang out with all of our family that came.  🙂


I just love this picture of Tyra attacking Lars! His face is just awesome! 🙂




Dad is wearing the tie that Tyra designed while she was at CHOC after her drowning incident a couple of years ago.


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