New Camera

Have you noticed the lack of pictures on our blog lately? That’s because our camera, randomly decided to die. It really bummed me out, when I picked it up and tried to take some pictures of my girl scouts all dressed up for international day, and it just wouldn’t turn on. Ordinarily you’d just think that I forgot to charge it and it had run out of battery power. But the thing is, I had JUST charged it, and it still wouldn’t come on. It just decided it was done working for us. So Kyle and I started researching digital cameras. We didn’t want anything big and fancy. I just wanted something I could throw in my purse and be able to take with me anywhere, but we did want something that produced better quality pictures than our Casio. We looked around on Amazon, and at Best Buy and ended up buying one at Costco. It’s small and can fit into my purse, but it doesn’t actually go into my back pocket as nicely as our Casio did. It is a 16 megapixel camera, which compared to our 7.2 megapixel Casio is a huge improvement.  I’m still learning about all the different features and settings, and I’m sure that will take awhile to get used to.  So I’m excited about our new camera.

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