Ethan Gets His Wolf

Ethan had a pack meeting tonight and we knew they were going to be presenting him with a whole bunch of stuff. He had actually finished his Wolf at the end of July, but they forgot about giving it to him at the August pack meeting, and we have been doing scout stuff through the summer months like crazy. So the cub master called him up and presented him with all the progress towards ranks beads, and his wolf, and he had Ethan pin me (which I was prepared for this time ๐Ÿ˜› ).



He also explained arrow points and presented Ethan with one gold and four silver arrow points. Then, since Ethan had also earned several belt loops, the cub master started telling the boys about belt loops. Then as he presented each one to Ethan he read off what they were for and all the kids sounded so excited about the different subjects: archery, bb gun shooting, video games (at this all the boys got REALLY excited and seemed to jump out of their chairs), photography, and wildlife conservation.

I think people were rather impressed with how many things Ethan had earned and I don’t think they realized that he has been working on all these things since he started in January. He just hadn’t been awarded anything before this because at oneย  pack meeting he had several of the wolf requirements started, but none finished, so they couldn’t give him any of the beads. Then there was July where there was no pack meeting because the boys went to a day camp instead, and he had finished ALL of the wolf trail by the end of July. Then in August they forgot to give him his beads and wolf….So he’s been working on all of this stuff for a really long time and it was just time to get all caught up on giving him the stuff he had earned. ๐Ÿ™‚

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