Hitting the Trail


Today Lydia is 6 weeks old, and so it’s time for me to be more active. We decided to take the kids down the trail for a bike ride tonight after dinner. We told the kids to hurry up and eat their dinner so we could go nowhere. The kids were confused by that and asked where we were going. I said “Nowhere.” They asked if we were going to a store. Kyle explained that that is somewhere, and I again told them we are going nowhere. They started getting annoying and I told them that if they didn’t watch it we wouldn’t be going anywhere, which is different than going nowhere. Haha we had them so confused! Really if you’ve ever driven to our house you know what I mean by going nowhere. We live in the middle of nowhere. So to go on a bike ride down the trail with no destination in mind, just to go as far as we feel is far enough, we were going nowhere.

Kyle and most of the kids got on their bikes, but since I felt that Lydia was too small for my bike trailer, I put her and Chloe in the double stroller and I got to walk instead of ride. We did really good with getting to the trail. The kids all stayed in a line on their bikes behind Kyle and I finished up the procession with the stroller (and besides I wanted to be able to SEE Dinah. We got to the trail, and Kyle told the older kids that they could go as far as they wanted as fast as they wanted. I was kind of bugged that they took off and then we couldn’t see any of them. I stayed behind to stay with Jeremy and Dinah who are a lot slower than the others. They just kept riding and I just kept on walking and it seemed like forever before we saw the older kids, and Kyle heading back in our direction. When they passed us is when the little kids turned around to head back home. I feel like we went WAY too far out for my first time out since Lydia was born. My legs were shaking and I had a walking cramp in the side of my tummy, but I knew I had to keep walking in order to get home. Kyle and the older kids disappeared again, and I was left behind to make sure the little ones made it safely back, and due to my shaky legs I was going slower than the little kids could ride and they were getting way ahead of me too. I saw Dinah go down one of the ramps along the trail and I think she went down at an angle because she went down and just kept on going and she ended up in the street. I called to her to get out of the street a few times, but I didn’t actually freak out about it until I saw some cars coming in her direction. Then I started SCREAMING to her. I tried to run, but my legs were already pushed to their limit. Kyle and the older kids were nowhere to be seen. I felt like I couldn’t go fast enough to get to her while pushing the stroller, so I left the stroller on the trail and tried to run to Dinah. I think I saw the cars slow down, and I got to her and pulled her out of the street. Then I had to go back to get the stroller, and then we continued on our way home. Kyle rode back to find us and I told him that I was mad that they took off, and I told him about Dinah being in the street, and that my legs are just done. So he made the older kids wait for us to catch up so we could leave the trail and go through the neighborhood back to the house together.

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