FHE #28

Many Hands Make Light Work

Opening song:

Opening prayer:

Scripture: 2 Thessalonians 3:10 “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

Lesson: Tonight I had something really awesome planned for the lesson. While the kids were putting their pajamas on I moved the love seat to the middle of the living room. When the kids came in they were REALLY excited to find that FHE tonight required that I move the furniture, but I had them all sit on the big couch to wait for everyone else to come out.

We talked about work, and the chores that each of us has, then we asked them how hard it would be for one of them to do ALL of the work around the house. Then I proceeded to have each child try to pick up the entire love seat. Obviously, none of them could. Ethan could lift one side but he couldn’t lift the whole thing. So then I had everybody come to the couch and help pick it up. Then we asked them if that was easy or hard that time. They all laughed as they said it was really easy. Then just to make a point I said “Well I don’t want to help” and I sat on the couch, and instructed them to try to pick it up again. They couldn’t, it was too hard. So after that we talked about how it’s important for everyone to help with the work around the house, and not just to expect mommy to do it all. Kyle isn’t home much and so he’s not here to help a whole lot, but everyone needs to help, so that it’s not like mommy’s trying to lift the whole couch off the ground all by herself. Of course the kids started to groan at this point, so we pointed out how even the scriptures say, if you don’t work, you don’t eat. 😛

Closing song:

Closing prayer:

Treat: Brownie with ice cream

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