Kidnapping Liesl

We kidnapped Liesl today and went to see ‘How to Train Your Dragon’ in the dollar theater. On the way to the theater we stopped to get frosties (which the kids call “frostings”) at Wendy’s. Liesl tried to hand Kyle some money to help pay for it, but he wouldn’t take it. So Tyra snatched it out of Liesl’s hand and said “I’ll take it!” THEN she asked Liesl if she could have it. Liesl laughed and said that she could have it “IN the car”. But after that she had to give it back.

The movie was cute, and we all liked it. Ethan is already saying that he wants to go back and see it again. 3 of the 5 kids sat and quietly watched the movie. Dinah at one point was just screaming in the aisle and had to be taken out, she was just mad that we wouldn’t buy her a drink at the theater. And Chloe is just not capable of sitting still unless she is asleep, and Kyle couldn’t get her to sleep. 🙁 But hey this is Utah where everyone around us had kids too, and nobody got on our case for having a couple of noisy kids, because they all understand….Unlike the people in California where people everywhere just don’t understand what it’s like to have kids. I also now know why some people refer to that theater as the “Sticky Feet”. I sat down and I just felt like my feet stuck to the floor and every time I picked up my feet I could feel the resistance of the stickiness pulling my feet down and then that classic sound as I pulled my feet up off the floor. Uh ya so the “Sticky Feet” I get it now!

After the movie we went to Ihop for dinner. And Dinah was cranky there too. She just would not sit down. I had a headache and ya…..basically the best part of being there was getting to spend some time with Liesl, which is a very rare occurrence.

One thought on “Kidnapping Liesl”

  1. Aww, thanks!! I had such a WONDERFUL time with you and the kids. I’ll share the silly pictures I took of your kids. 🙂

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