Another Climber?

I think most of our kids have gone straight from crawling, to climbing. You would think that they would walk first, and that would be your hint that climbing is around the corner, but most of our kids seem to have had that backwards.

This afternoon, I was in my room working on a project on my computer, when I heard Chloe start crying like she was freaked out, followed by Tyra running down the hall to tell me that Chloe was ON the table. Tyra did not say which table, so as I went out to go get Chloe OFF of the table, I was wondering HOW IN THE WORLD she got on the dining table. She was on the coffee table, not the dining table. 🙂 But when I saw her, she was standing there on the end of the table, holding onto the arm chair for support, and she was just crying like she was scared. I *thought* about going to get my camera, but I didn’t want to be mean and make her stand there and wait for me to take pictures. 😉

LATER I heard her crying like she was freaked out again. So I went to go get her thinking “Oh boy. Here we go again.” This time she was sitting on the other end of the table, and I decided, that since she had climbed up there a second time in the same day, despite her being freaked out, that I would get the camera! And what do you know? She stopped crying when she saw that I wasn’t freaking out.


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