Will the weekend never come?

This week is just CRAWLING by. I’m so tired, and really stressed out, and I just can’t wait for the weekend. Well for Friday night really. You see, Kyle’s out of town on a business trip. His manager came up to him Friday and asked him if he would go because he’s the best they’ve got, to send. And quick as a flash they had flights and a hotel arranged, and Kyle headed off very early Monday morning to catch his flight to Cincinnati, Ohio.

Me on the other hand, I’m just going crazy being alone with the five kids ALL week! I know that really this week shouldn’t seem much different from what I normally go through. I mean, Kyle works two jobs. He leaves first thing in the morning (he used to leave before the kids got up, but they’ve been getting up earlier and earlier for a chance to see him), and then he goes from job #1 straight to job #2 then he will sometimes go to the gym before heading home, and when he finally does get home the kids are all asleep and I’m usually asleep as well. So really this week shouldn’t be much different right? WRONG! Just knowing in the back of my mind that he’s hundreds of miles away from me is like a dark cloud hanging over my day. Waking up in the middle of the night and finding him still not home drives me crazy. I don’t sleep well, knowing he’s gone and isn’t coming home tonight. Here it is Wednesday night, and I feel like he’s been gone forever, and Friday night just can’t possibly come fast enough!

The last time Kyle went on a business trip I handled things rather nicely. Granted, we only had Ethan then. But Kyle went to North Carolina and was going to be gone for two weeks, so I just said “Ok then I’m going to California for two weeks!” This time I didn’t have that luxury. Having 5 kids now, and with Ethan and Tyra both in school I’m tied to my current location, or believe me I would have packed the van up so fast and we would have gone to Ohio WITH Kyle.

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