Halloween 2009

The kids were so excited to dress up for school yesterday. Ethan wore the ghost busters costume (which was WAY too small for him, but there was no telling him that). Tyra wore the black kitty costume, Jeremy was Snoopy, Dinah was a ladybug, and Chloe was a zebra. Kyle and I talked about how we wanted to dress up, and it just didn’t work out this year (need to start planning NOW for next year) 😉 so I ended up wearing my high school prom dress (YAY I got it to zip up and I could still breathe!) and I’m glad nobody asked me what I was because I couldn’t decide between midieval or hippie (sorry there aren’t any pictures of me 🙁 Kyle didn’t take any). And since Kyle was a stinker and didn’t work on finding a costume for himself I made him wear the potato sack costume. 😛


Like my macho sack of potatoes? The costume reads: “Be beautiful in a potato sack. Looks like a sack, feels like a sack, IS A SACK. Fill with 100lbs. or more of charm, and save money on new French inspired creations. Guaranteed to loose shape without ironing. For evening wear, add Mink trimmings.”

We stayed for the costume parade at the school, and I got it on video.


We were dissapointed though, that the parade consisted of the 4 kindergarten classes and the parade of everyone else (including the afternoon kindergartners) would be later. Which means that Kyle missed it completely and I got LUCKY in that I picked Tyra up from school and found out that the parade was going to be happening shortly thereafter, so I ran home with the kids and got the camera so I could get a picture of Ethan in the parade and we got back to the school before the parade started. Bummer though that they didn’t walk all the way around the school. I picked a spot against the wall to keep the way clear so the parade could go through. THEN people started filling in the path to the hallway, and the parade came down the other hallway into the big room and they walked around the room and BACK down the same hallway! So I was completely unable to get a picture of Ethan in the parade, and Tyra, Jeremy and Dinah didn’t even know that the parade had happened because they were sitting on a bench and in the stroller and couldn’t see a thing. 🙁 So that was a complete waste of time.

After Ethan got home from school ( and he had changed into the clown costume because he finally had to admit the ghost busters one was too small) I loaded the kids up and took them to Kyle’s work so they could trick or treat there. We were quite late, and things had died down a lot, but the kids still got candy and were totally thrilled about it. Unfortunately though Kyle couldn’t come home with us because he had to go to the second job.

I brought the kids home fed them and then we went to our ward’s Halloween party, and the kids really enjoyed that. I spent the whole time feeding/burping & holding Chloe, and following Dinah around the cultural hall to make sure she didn’t run away. 😉

Today we had a great time helping the kids decorate their pumpkins. Jeremy made his homegrown pumpkin into a pirate.


Ethan told Kyle what face to cut into his pumpkin. Tyra wanted to use these little light pegs pumpkin decoration kit thingy that we have, and I helped her make a cat face. (She did NOT want to put her hand into the pumpkin to pull the seeds out though, Kyle and Dinah helped her with that). And Dinah made her pumpkin a princess.


We had our traditional pizza for dinner (which surprisingly the kids didn’t eat). Then it was time to trick or treat.

Ethan went as Spiderman, Tyra was a pink dog, Jeremy was Snoopy (again), Dinah was a smaller pink dog, and Chloe and I wore our same costumes as yesterday (Kyle didn’t dress up). We left the basket of candy on the porch, and we went around the block as a family and that was about it. We had fun though and by the time we got home the candy was ALMOST gone so I topped the basket off with some glow sticks. I stayed home with Chloe so I could warm her up and get her ready for bed, and Kyle took the kids to hit a few more houses, then they all decided they were too cold and we were done for the night. 🙂 Here are some very tired pink doggies:


I hereby declare Halloween a success because no kids were lost at any point during the festivities. 😀

2 thoughts on “Halloween 2009”

  1. Good job on keeping the kiddies together! 😉 You’re an awesome mom. Sometimes I can barely handle two kids…

  2. Hee awesome 😉 If you ever decide to part with the potato sack dress, please let me know. I teach kids how to make recycled fashion (& textile crafts) and I would love to share this with them! All best.

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