Independence Day!

Growing up my family always made homemade ice cream and we watched “Yankee Doodle Dandy” every year on the fourth. And we would finish the night up by doing fireworks on the sidewalk, until California decided to make them illegal. I have no idea what Kyle’s family would do for the fourth aside from going out to dinner since it’s his mom’s birthday. But I have decided to carry on my family’s traditions because that’s what I look forward to on this holiday. 😉 So we made coconut ice cream this year, so yummy. And instead of watching “Yankee Doodle Dandy” a couple of years ago we decided we would watch “1776” instead, since it’s a musical about the writing of the Declaration of Independence. I just LOVE that musical which is so funny to me because I remember my parents watching that movie during my childhood and I remember thinking “This movie is SO BORING!”. But now that I’m old enough to understand what they are saying, and I can hear the words in the songs and some of them are quite funny, I just love it.

The kids had a chance to play in the pool after Kyle mowed the lawn. And I fired up the BBQ and grilled shish kabobs, and corn on the cob. I love barbecued corn and apparantly so does Ethan considering he had 3 halves! Ethan kept saying over and over how much he “loves this dinner” I guess I need to BBQ chicken and corn more often. 😉 And we finished off the night with some fireworks. I just wanted to get a small amount of fireworks so that we wouldn’t be out doing them forever, and Kyle got more than I would have got. Which turned out to be just fine since our ward had an activity last night where a bunch of us got together to do fireworks at the round about on the next street, and very few people brought any. One of our neighbors was taking a tally and it was up to 6 fireworks total, so Kyle ran home and got a bunch of ours to do with the group. It was a lot of fun. And the rest of the fireworks, we will save for Pioneer day. 😛

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