Things are looking up

Chloe has been doing much better than she did previously.  She still has the IV in her arm, and still has the feeding tube in her nose, but we’ve been told the doctor approved removing the feeding tube if she eats regularly.  Also, they have said the IV will be replaced with a PICC since the antibiotics are so abrasive on her vein, and that way it will provide the antibiotics directly into her blood stream through her heart.  Personally, that sounds rather scary, but we just have to assume they know what they are doing.

She’s also been nursing and feeding from a bottle more regularly.  Rebecca has been released and is now at home, and she and the nurses have decided they can alternate feedings every three hours (so Rebecca nurses once every 6 hours, and they use formula for the other 3-hour feedings).  Rebecca can then just pump during the times she’s at home, which gives me a chance to go in and help as well.  I must say, waking up for the 2am feeding was not fun (the nurse said to just let them handle it since they were already there), but it was nice to spend some quiet early morning time with my little girl.  I just held her until she fell back asleep and then put her back down.

One thing more that Rebecca was told is if they can do the PICC, they might be able to release her to our care if they wean her off the IV fluids, and we’ll just be able to give her the antibiotics at home.  So that would be great, although the idea of having her at home with a little tube leading right to her heart is a bit concerning.

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