Easter morning

Well I woke up first thing this morning, hoping to wake up before the kids, so they couldn’t go out and find eggs or check out the Easter baskets until everyone was awake. I also woke Kyle up and suggested he take his shower before the kids wake up so that we would have a chance at getting to church on time (church starts at 9 am), but he decided to sleep a little longer. Well I went into the bathroom to get dressed, and when I came out I saw Tyra coming back from the living room all excited. I told her to sit down in the hall and wait for everyone else to wake up and then I went back to my room to wake Kyle up and tell him that the kids are waking up now and now he has to wake up too. So he got up and the other kids were waking up and coming out of their rooms. Here they are waiting for Kyle to get the camera before being given the ‘ok’ to go hunt for the eggs:


You can see that they’ve already found a couple of the eggs in their rooms. Dinah found an egg that the Easter bunny had left in Tyra’s shoe and she decided she was just going to use that as a basket for collecting more. 😉

The kids found all the eggs pretty quickly and checked out their Easter baskets a bit. I was sick of the Easter bunny leaving a ton of candy, so I told him to tone down the candy a bit and maybe leave a toy and a little bit of candy instead of nothing but candy. And I was glad the Easter bunny listened to my request. 😉 Ethan and Jeremy each got a transformer, and Tyra got a couple outfits for her ken doll, and Dinah got a mermaid barbie. Since Liesl was staying with us, the Easter bunny left her some seeds so she can try to have a garden this year (even if it’s just in pots). And the Easter bunny had heard that Kyle has been trying to eat healthier, and lose weight so in addition to the normal couple of candies that he leaves, he left Kyle a bag of carrots 😉


Then I insisted that it was time to get dressed for church. So down the hall we went to get dressed. And then since church starts so early I hussled the kids into the kitchen for breakfast while Kyle took his shower (I told him she should have done it before the kids woke up 😛 ). We ate breakfast and then I insisted that it was time to get in the car to go to church, and surprisingly we got there EARLY. That almost never happens even on a normal Sunday. I was SO excited that we had had such a fun morning, doing all of the Easter traditions, and we all got ready, AND we were at church early enough to listen to prelude music before the meeting started. It was awesome!


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