Treasure Hunt

Our ward had what they called a ‘Treasure Hunt’ today where people from the ward could bring anything they wanted to declutter. Instead of taking it to DI they could just bring it to the church building and let others from our ward to pick through it for anything they might want or need. So I loaded up the back of the mini-van with 4 boxes a large bucket full of stuff and two more bags of stuff to take and to donate. I am SO excited to get that stuff out of our house. 😀 We have SO much stuff and we don’t even know what a lot of it is, so getting rid of a bunch of stuff that we have identified as stuff we don’t need, feels really good. And no we did not bring home more than we took. 😉 Ethan found a toy cell phone he wanted and Tyra found a care bear and a pair of snow boots that are hopefully big enough that she can grow into them and wear them next winter. Jeremy found a valentine Scooby doo that sings a song and a pair of shoes to grow into as well. And I found a costume that should be Dinah’s size come next halloween and an AWESOME kids book that I remember reading when I was a kid, “Henry’s Awful Mistake”. I am so excited about that and the kids have already asked me to read it to them many times. I just feel so good to have been able to help other people out with the stuff I don’t need, and they have announced that they are going to have another ‘Treasure Hunt’ in May. 😀 So it’s time to gather more stuff up to get rid of then……

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