Ice Skating

Kyle’s Blue Host work Christmas party was tonight and we went ice skating. Jeremy didn’t want to eat any pizza at all he just wanted to get on the ice. Ethan and Tyra were so excited to just be there. Once actually getting skates on the kids feet, Tyra was able to walk around quite well on her skates (off the ice). Jeremy kept falling every few steps (it’s not very easy to walk on that blade). Kyle wanted to finish his dinner before joining me and the kids on the ice, so he sat with Dinah while I took 3 kids on the ice, by myself!!!! :O I basically held Jeremy and told the Ethan and Tyra to hold onto the wall. Jeremy fell so many times I lost count, and I was getting tired from bending over and picking him up. Ethan took a few steps on the ice and wanted to get off, so he got of the ice and went back to Kyle. Well Jeremy and I weren’t even half way around the rink before Jeremy was done and just wanted off. I got him all the way aroung the rink once, and turned him over to Kyle. Tyra also got off the rink at the other door and went back to Kyle as well. Ethan decided that since he saw Kyle getting into skates that he wanted to try again. So he got back on the ice, and I was with Tyra on the ice again, when I saw Kyle get on the ice. He stood there for a minute or so, then decided that his ankles hurt too much, and he got off the ice, and went to put his shoes back on. So I went around the rink once with Jeremy, once with Ethan (since when Kyle got off the ice, Ethan had nobody to take him around but me) and I went around once with Tyra. Then the party was over (it took a LONG time to get those little ones around the rink). I would have liked to go around the rink once by myself, but I learned in going around with the kids that I still know how to skate without falling 😀 . So I’m good and we had lots of fun. Ethan wants to go skating again. Tyra really liked skating and Jeremy says ‘dat scary’.


(There are more pictures of our fun on the ice, in the photo gallery.)

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