Tyra cut her hair :(

Well that hair that used to be long enough to put in pigtails and that Grandma actually braided, when we were in California, Tyra cut off today. It’s really not as bad as it could be. But IF it’s long enough to put hairbows in they won’t stay long, or the sprigs of hair will pop out 🙁 . I am really sad. I was enjoying her hair being long enough to DO stuff with. If Ethan were a girl there would be plenty of hair on that kid’s head to braid and put up and make cute, but he is a boy with hair that grows like weeds. Tyra’s hair has always been thin and just takes forever to grow. So at least she didn’t cut it down to the scalp, she just cut maybe 3 inches off in the front. So she has funny looking bangs.

One thought on “Tyra cut her hair :(”

  1. I used to do that to my dolls. When I figured out the hair wouldn’t grow back, I stopped. But I never cut my own hair. I let Laurel do that! haha

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