We got a new video camera :)

I am so excited that we have a new video camera. Our old one was damaging the audio every time we rewound the tape to watch what we had recorded and that was just making me so sad. Well Kyle and I have talked about it for a long time now, what kind of video camera we would like to have to replace it. We were talking about a video camera that would record to a hard drive, but in the end we decided on one that records to SD cards. So we just got the Cannon FS100, and it’s just so little, and easy to use. We had it shipped to my parent’s house so that I would have it on our trip. I am really excited 😀 The best part is that at Kyle’s work they give him occasional bonuses in the form of Amazon.com gift cards, and he had a few of them saved up and the video camera and the SD cards we got for it just came out of those. So nothing out of our pocket for our new tool for capturing our family history in the making 😛

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