Bathroom Update

Just a quickie.  We got the toilet fixed from Dinah’s mischief, by calling a plumber who came out, pulled the toilet off, pushed the piece out through the back, and put everything back together.

Maybe I’m in the wrong profession.  For him to do this, including the “gas fee,” was $105, for less than 45 minutes of work.  But I know if I were to try and do it myself, it’d be the better part of a day, and I don’t have the tools nor do I have the experience to pull the toilet off without flooding the floor with used water.. I’d say that was money well spent.

I still need to get the shower working properly.  We’ll try it on Saturday, and hopefully I can take the piece to a plumbing supply store to get it replaced, if I can’t figure out why it can’t serve both temperatures at the same time.

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