New shoes

I took Tyra today to get her some new church shoes. The ones she has are too small, and have been too small for awhile. So we went to the shoe store and picked out a cute pair of black, and a cute pair of white shoes. We got them a bit big so they would last a good long time too. 😉 Tyra is so excited, she loves nice and pretty things.

Tyra’s car seat has been upgraded

Well we finally upgraded Tyra to that new car seat we got her awhile ago. We have been trying to get her to learn out to buckle her own seat belt and she just hasn’t been able to get it. So I weighed her and she was close enough to 40 pounds that I just switched the carseats for her. So now she can buckle herself, which she still has difficulty with, but she CAN do it.

Kindergarten Pre-Registration

Well I took Tyra down to the school today, and got her pre-registered for Kindergarten! Basically all we did was fill out the new student form and they made a copy of her birth certificate, then they gave me the packet of papers I need to fill out and bring back in August for the official registration. But Tyra was really excited that we were registering HER for kindergarten. She actually thought that she would be starting today, but I had to tell her she won’t be starting until after the baby is born. 😉

Tyra has a new car seat

Tyra is excited to have a new car seat. Well she is excited because it’s purple with pink flowers on it. 🙂 She has a couple pounds to gain still before she can use it in the car, but it was on sale, so we thought we would buy it on sale ahead of time then when she is big enough to use it we would just be able to put it in the car for her. Tyra is so excited and just can’t wait.