New Job

Spending the last month unemployed was interesting. Before I left Symantec, I had multiple companies approach me for a job, which I turned down. Now when I actually needed something, nobody seemed interested. I have contacted all the companies I heard from before, and they weren’t looking anymore. So, spending the month trying to contact anyone I knew, eventually I got in for an interview at EMC, a company my old manager went to. They seemed interested in my abilities and made an offer, and after a runaround with verification and screening tests, I started today.

Going from Venafi with its 100-ish employees, to an office with over 700 employees, it definitely felt like EMC is a huge company. I got in and started setting myself up, and had a meeting with our site director, who happened to be a manager at Symantec that I really liked. It’s good to be working under him again. But aside from this, it feels like I have a whole lot to learn again, and that thought is overwhelming.


As I was preparing for my Girl Scout troop’s bridging ceremony, I went to the shop to rent the bridge that they have there. I was told that another troop was using it and that it wasn’t due to be returned until Monday the 10th. That just wasn’t going to work. I told Kyle of my problem and he decided that for Cub Scouts this week he would have the boys build a bridge. Cub scouts are supposed to bridge from Cubs to Boy scouts too, and building one ourselves it would be available for both Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts. So Monday night Kyle took the van to Home Depot to get the lumber. Tuesday night he came home from work and cut the wood, and Wednesday the Webelos came over to help build it.


They got the main part of the bridge all built, but didn’t have time to finish the rails. Thursday I had a service unit meeting so nothing new happened on the bridge. Yesterday, Kyle came home from work and sanded the bridge down. This, morning he made another run to Home Depot to get some more supplies and he finished the rails.

It came to be time to go to Amy’s house for the end of year party, and Kyle took us all over there and then solicited the help of one of the other dads to help take the seats out of our van and then come back over to our house to get the bridge. I got to stay at Amy’s house and watch the kids play in the yard.



Ethan somehow got a hold of most of the squirters:


Then my Brownies got to bridge to Juniors:


I also got to welcome all of my new Daisies for next year. I am so sad that there isn’t a picture of them, but I gave them a certificate to welcome them to the troop, and they each got a daisy barrette that I made, where each petal was a different color (the colors of the petal awards that Daisy Girl Scouts earn), and I got to give them their first couple of patches. 🙂

Kyle’s Birthday

Today is Kyle’s birthday. I planned on making him a cake, but when I asked what cake he wanted, he said he wanted that chocolate mousse cake that we saw at Costco last time we were there. So he got to pick that up on his way home from work today.


We had to tell him that he doesn’t get to eat the whole thing by himself, and that he has to share.


Of course he knew that and was playing around with the kids, they did think it was pretty funny.

After cake we moved to the living room so he could open his presents.


I got him The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on Blu-Ray, and a new hair clipper set. His old set of clippers has been doing a lousy job of cutting hair lately and he made the comment that he should probably get some new clippers soon, so I took care of that for him. 🙂

Dinner with Kyle’s Boss Boss

Last week Kyle’s upper manager, Dave, invited our family over to his house for dinner on Thursday. Thursday afternoon, I started getting nervous about our dinner engagement, and I kept asking Kyle questions just to double check the answers. I verified the time with him, and asked him if Dave knows that we are bringing our children, then I asked if he is aware that we have SEVEN of them. I asked how many kids Dave has and found out that he is a grandpa, so there wouldn’t be other kids there for our kids to meet and play with. Kyle assured me that yes Dave knew we were bringing the kids, and that he knows we have seven of them and that he had invited our whole family, so I tried not to stress out too much.

Kyle came home from work and I had been getting the kids ready, so we could leave as soon after he got home as possible. On the way, Kyle mentioned to the kids that we were going to his upper manager’s house for dinner. One of the kids interpreted that to mean “Daddy’s boss”, and we had to explain that Dave is actually “Daddy’s boss’s boss”, and from there they decided to just call him “Daddy’s boss boss”.

We arrived at Dave’s house and his wife answered the door, and Dave and another coworker came over to greet us. Dave looked right at me and said “I didn’t know you would be bringing the kids.” My first thought was “WHO could I have left them with?” as I said “Well….” and then I thought “But I double checked with Kyle, and Kyle said….” I had way too many things going on in my mind at that one moment. Then Dave told me he was just kidding and that Kyle told him to say that.

Dave offered to take us out back and let the kids give their horses some apples, and the kids were really excited about that, especially Dinah. Lydia LOVED seeing the “horseys” but she would not touch them. On the way back through the garage to go back into the house, Dave showed us a door to the pantry from the garage (so that you can unload groceries directly from your car to the pantry). Then we got a tour of the rest of the house. There was a tv in nearly every room, the living room, the family room, the bedroom, over the bath tub…Downstairs there was also a game room with air hockey, ping pong, pool, and some other things. Then we got to see the workout room. It was filled with various workout machines and things, a big workout ball and there was, of course, a tv in here as well. Dave let some of the kids get on the treadmill and walk a bit, while we stood right there talking, and as we left he bent over to switch off the power to it so the kids couldn’t just go in there and play with it while we weren’t looking. Before going back upstairs for dinner we got to see his theater room, which was really awesome. There were no windows, and there was a huge screen and nice reclining chairs with cup holders. There were also some bean bags for sitting down in front of the chairs. There were dim movie theater lights so that you could see the steps and not trip on them in the dark too. As the guys were drooling over this room, Dave’s wife was standing next to me and told me that when Dave was putting this room together it didn’t bother her how much he spent doing it because she had told him that she was going to match it when doing her barn.

We went back upstairs to have dinner, which consisted of macaroni and cheese, some spicy penne pasta dish, canned green beans, and applesauce. I was glad that nothing was overly scary, although I was cautious of the penne pasta dish. I think the kids were also glad that they were being given food that they were more than willing to eat. The kids finished their dinners quickly, and went off to play downstairs.

We got to watch Dave’s friend park a Ford Model A in his garage (Dave was going to store it for him for awhile). After a while Tyra came upstairs to tell Kyle that Dinah needed him. He didn’t go down right away, and I fed Adam, and then as Dave was showing Kyle the view from the door in the dining room, they found that Lydia was in the backyard.


Their backyard isn’t fenced in and so we quickly went out and brought her back in. She actually tried to escape a few times. I ended up going downstairs before Kyle ever did, and I found Dinah crying. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she got hurt on the treadmill. I asked her where she got hurt, and she showed me. I did not look good, but it could have been worse. I went into the workout room to check to make sure the treadmill was off, and it was. Then I yelled at the kids for messing with it. Dinah wasn’t the only one that had messed with the treadmill. Tyra had been the first one on the treadmill, which doesn’t surprise me. I should have expected something like this. I noticed when Dave bent over to turn off the power to the treadmill before dinner, that Tyra was watching him. So SHE was the one that knew how to turn it on. Also she was the one that turned the treadmill on to 8mph while Dinah was on it, and so the treadmill took Dinah backwards, she fell and hit the wall and the belt rubbed the side of her abdomen. I went and told Kyle about what happened and he got Dinah all bandaged up. Then us big people went downstairs with the kids and we finished up the evening by some people playing Guitar Hero on the Wii, Dinah found a coloring book and worked on that, the little ones played with toys, and some of us played air hockey and ping pong. For the record, Jeremy CAN hit the ping pong, but he CAN’T aim, and he hits it hard, so most every time he hit it, it hit me and it hurt. 😛

A few days later the kids start talking about a “hole in the wall”. Upon further questioning we find out that when Dinah flew off the treadmill at Dave’s house, she put a hole in the wall. Today Kyle asked Dave about the hole in the wall and Dave said “Don’t worry about it, she didn’t go through both walls”, which makes me wonder just how big this hole really is. And even though Dave told Kyle not to worry about it, I am worrying about it, and I am bothered that my kids would do something like that, and damage property, and not say anything about it. But also I am telling myself that it really can’t have been that bad, because I did go in there to check to make sure the treadmill was off and I didn’t notice the wall at all. If there was a huge hole in the wall, I probably would have noticed it.


I’m a member of the site LinkedIn, which is much like Facebook for business. I have a number of former colleagues on there, and occasionally get messages from recruiters looking for talent. Back in February, one such situation came up, where a recruiter said their security company was looking to open a center in Utah, and they noticed my experience at Symantec and wanted me to interview at the company.

As I never turn down chances to interview, I agreed and spoke to them over the phone. I must have impressed them, as they wanted to set up multiple interviews with me and different people within the company. However, these were all over the phone, as they were all out of Utah. After two phone interviews with different techs in the company, they asked if I’d be able to come in for an interview when they were in Utah. The dates didn’t work out, since we were in California at the time, so we did another phone interview with the vice president over the support group.

They ended up offering me a job, right at the time I started at Venafi. The timing on it couldn’t be worse, I felt, as I had just started at Venafi and I had no reason to leave. Even though the position paid more, I felt I reached a point where I didn’t need the extra money, so I mentioned it to my Venafi vice president, who tried to help me see evenly what the difference was between going and staying. I ultimately decided there was no reason to leave yet, so I turned it down. The vice president told me I was the first person to turn them down, and offered to bump up the offer even more, but in the end, I decided to stick it out at Venafi.