Cub Scout Day Camp

As I mentioned before, there were some issues with the cub scout day camp this year. They thought they had our pack registered for day camp, and then found out that it hadn’t gone through, but nobody said anything about that until the day before day camp was supposed to be happening. Then there was a scramble to find another day camp that would let our boys squeeze in at the last minute. They found one, but it happened to be after we were supposed to leave for Texas. We asked Jeremy what he wanted to do, and it was obvious that he REALLY wanted to go to day camp. So we delayed our departure, and here we are. Jeremy spent yesterday, and today at day camp. He had a really good time. Here are a couple of pictures that his leaders have shared:

Cub Day Camp 2

Cub Day Camp 3

Jeremy is the kid with the bushy hair right in the middle of the row. I’m sure he had a really good time. 🙂


Jeremy received his bear rank tonight!


PS: I got a message from Ethan. The bishopric member that spent yesterday at scout camp with the boys, asked Ethan if he had anything he wanted to say to his parents, and he’s the one that relayed the message. The message? “Environmental science is boring.” 😛

Pinewood Derby

It’s pinewood derby time again! Jeremy has been working on his car for quite awhile and it looks amazing.


Tada! King Candy’s car, from the movie Wreck it Ralph. Jeremy has a theme going on here. Last year it was Vanellope’s car, this year King Candy, and he already knows what he wants to do for next year….and yes it’s also from Wreck it Ralph. 😉

He didn’t win overall, but there were a couple of races that he came in first.



Jeremy also helped me make some treats to bring along (making snacks for a scout meeting is one of the electives), and I think everyone loved them:


Jeremy’s 9th Birthday

Jeremy turned NINE today! For the past month or more he has been asking to go to Chuck a Rama, because a new location opened up pretty close to us in Lehi. Since it’s brand new, it has always been busy and we kept saying that we would wait awhile before checking it out. Well a couple of weeks ago he asked if we could go for his birthday, so we said we would. Then this past week, the Christmas catalogs were discovered by the kids, and Jeremy found something that he actually asked for. He usually doesn’t ask for anything, it’s very rare for him to make any indication of something that he is interested in. He is quite different from Ethan. When Ethan is interested in something he is OBSESSED with it and makes sure you know exactly what he likes and wants. So for Jeremy to request something from the catalog for his birthday, was kind of a big deal.

We started out the day with taking the kids to a workshop at Home Depot. They got to make “give and save banks”, basically a bank with two sides, one for giving and one for saving. Then we headed over to Toys R Us to pick up the item that Jeremy requested from the catalog. It was a Pokemon building block set. Then we ran a couple of other errands, before heading over to Chuck a Rama for a late lunch/early dinner. We were there for nearly two hours, and by the time everyone was finally done Jeremy declared that he was “so full”. I said that’s good, because since we weren’t home today I wasn’t able to make him a cake. He told me that that was ok. He’s a pretty laid back kid. Also, since we went to the toy store today, to get the thing he wanted, it wasn’t wrapped so there weren’t any presents to open tonight either. So we came home, the kids got ready for bed, and Jeremy sat at the table to play with his new Pokemon building blocks.WP_20141129_003