FHE #15

Telephone Training

Opening song: Hymn 226 “Improve the Shining Moments”

Opening prayer: Tyra

Scripture: Doctrine & Covenants 45:61 “…that ye may be prepared for the things to come.”

Lesson: Tonight we talked with the kids about how to use a phone, and proper phone ettiquite.

Activity: Each child took turns practicing dialing and calling Kyle’s cell phone from the house phone. Then we had them practice using Kyles phone to call my phone and they got to practice answering the phone. And for a special treat Tyra got to practice dialing Granny’s number and Granny answered so Tyra got to talk to her for a bit. Granny answered with “Hello?” and Tyra said “What Granny?” (I just laughed and reminded her that she was supposed to say “Hi, this is Tyra”). Then Jeremy got to practice by dialing Grandpa’s number (which is a different area code :O ) and Grandpa answered so Jeremy got to practice talking on the phone too. He kept nodding his head to Grandpa’s questions and we had to keep reminding him that Grandpa can’t see him and he has to answer by talking into the phone.

Closing song: Hymn 303 “Keep the Commandments”

Closing prayer: Jeremy

FHE Treat: Easter candy

FHE #14

The Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ “52 Weeks of Family Night” Lesson 9

Opening Song: Childrens Songbook pg 64 “Did Jesus Really Live Again?”

Opening Prayer: Kyle

Scripture: Luke 24:1-6

“1 Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they had prepared, and certain others with them.

2 And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre.

3 And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.

4 And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining garments:

5 And as they were afraid, and bowed down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?

6 He is not here, but is risen…”

Lesson: For our lesson this week, we showed various pictures from the Gospel Art Picture kit (GAPK) and described what was happening. We started with “The Last Supper” (GAPK 225): Here Jesus ate the last supper with his 12 Apostles and prepared the first sacrament. Teaching them that the bread was to represent His body, and the wine (or water) is to represent His blood which He shed for us.

“Jesus Washing the Apostles’ Feet” (GAPK 226): After eating the last supper with his apostles, Jesus proceeded to wash their feet. We asked the kids why Jesus washed the Apostles’ feet, and discussed it, and decided that He washed their feet because He loves them, and wanted to serve them and set a good example to them so they would serve each other.

“Jesus Praying in Gethsemane” (GAPK 227): Here Jesus is praying in the garden of Gethsemane to atone for the sins of the world. Jesus suffered for all the sins of every person to ever live. An angel appeared from heaven “strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22:43-44).

“The Betrayal of Jesus” (GAPK 228): Judas betrays Jesus to a large group of men that had been sent by the chief priests. But after wards he is sad.

“The Crucifixion” (GAPK 230): Jesus was crucified and died for man. He willingly gave His life, nobody took it from Him. He had the power to save Himself had He wanted to, but He knew why He why He was on earth, and He knew that it was His mission to die for mankind.

“Burial of Jesus” (GAPK 231): Some friends of Jesus took his body and laid him in a borrowed tomb.

“Mary and the Resurrected Lord” (GAPK 233): Mary came to the tomb on the first day of the week to help prepare Jesus’ body for a proper burrial, but found Him gone and was sad. But then Jesus appeared and asked her why she was crying, and when she turned and saw Him she was so happy. (John 20:10-18)

“Jesus Shows His Wounds” (GAPK 234): Later Jesus appeared to His Apostles and showed them the wounds that the nails left on his hands, wrists and feet to show them that He really had been crucified, and really was alive again.

We celebrate Easter every year, to celebrate the fact that Jesus was resurrected and that He lives. And because He lives we have the opportunity to live again as well.

Closing Song: Children’s Songbook pg 34 “He Sent His Son”

Closing Prayer: Tyra

FHE #13

His Servants The Prophets ‘The Friend’ January 1998, 42

Opening Song: Children’s Songbook pg 110 “Follow The Prophet”

Opening Prayer: Jeremy

Scripture: Amos 3:7 “The Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”

Lesson: Prepare by making the felt board pieces available at the above link. Using the felt board, and felt story pieces, tell about the prophets Malachi, John the beloved, Alma the younger, Joseph Smith and Enoch. We also talked about our current prophet President Thomas S Monson, and why we watch conference. We talked about how our prophet today tells us what Heavenly Father wants us to know and do in these the latter days.

Closing Song: Hymn #19 “We Thank Thee, Oh God, For a Prophet”

Closing Prayer: Tyra

FHE Treat: Jelly beans

FHE #12

Our Extended Family Family Home Evening Manual Lesson 22

Opening Song: Children’s Songbook Pg 201 “When Grandpa Comes”

Opening Prayer: Tyra

Scripture: Malachi 4:6 “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.”

Lesson: We talked with the kids about who are our immidiate family members and who are our extended family members. She showed pictures of various extended family members talking about who they are.

Activity: We are drawing pictures/writing letters to Great Great Grandma Ruby.

Closing Song: Children’s Songbook pg 199 “I have a Family Tree”

Closing Prayer: Jeremy

FHE Treat: Chocolate chip cookies.

FHE #11

Family Garden 52 Weeks of Family Night lesson 29

Opening Song: Children’s songbook pg 237 “The Prophet Said to Plant a Garden”

Opening Prayer: Jeremy

Scripture: Doctrine & Covenants 6:33 “Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.”

Activity: Add water to peat pellets to make them swell. And while the pellets are absorbing the water…..

Lesson: President Spencer W Kimball said: “We encourage you to plant all the food that you feasibly can on your own property. Berry bushes, grapevines, fruit trees-plant them if your climate is right for their growth. Grow vegetables and eat them from your own yard. Even those residing in apartments or condominiums can generally grow a little food in pots and planters. Study the best methods of providing your own foods. Make your garden neat and attractive as well as productive. If there are children in your home, involve them in the process with assigned responsibilities.”

I just love this quote. I don’t want to go overboard and do everything at once, but to have this as our goal “..to plant all the food that you feasibly can on your own property.” just fills me with excitement and we will get there in a few years (I hope 😉 ).

Activity: Now that the peat pellets are fully expanded, plant 2-3 seeds in each one. Tonight we are planting tomato and pepper seeds (it’s still to early to plant squash and melon seeds inside, they grow to big too fast and we don’t want them to die before it gets warm enough to move them outside).

Closing Song: Children’s songbook pg 242 “Popcorn Popping”

Closing Prayer: Tyra

FHE Treat: Swiss colony petits fours