Potty Training: Round 4


Dinah has decided that it’s time for potty training. She is 2 1/2 and a couple of weeks ago she decided she has had enough of diapers, and wanted to wear undies, and she is doing really great! She has had a handful of accidents total, over the past couple of weeks. She will usually have an accident when she is playing outside or something and she totally forgets she’s wearing undies and not a diaper, but hey she’s outside so it’s no big deal. 🙂 I have been putting her in a diaper for naptime and bedtime, just because I don’t expect her to potty train for waking and sleeping hours all at once. It’s been our experience that daytime training is much easier than sleeping time training. And staying dry through the night just comes with time. But last night she insisted on wearing her undies to bed, and rather than fight it out, I let her….SHE WOKE UP DRY!!! She was so excited and I was so happy, and quite surprised that she did it. She is in undies again tonight, but she did wet the bed during naptime, so we’ll see how she does, in the morning. It’s so exciting to be down to only one kiddo in diapers (although I do wish Tyra would stop wetting the bed).

2 thoughts on “Potty Training: Round 4”

  1. I wish Sydney was tired of diapers. Any time I ask her if she wants to sit on the big-girl potty (toilet) she always says “no.”

  2. Way to go Dinah! 😀
    Annaleah is doing great too… at home she just wears panties, and for a while I would only let her come with me to pick up Tommy only wearing panties, everywhere else DIAPERS… but now she is over it… we went to Disneyland on Mothers Day and she did beautifully without the diaper… she even asked to go to the potty chair(granted it was 4 or 5 times we went back and forth before she actually jumped up on the potty– but she did end up going). She also goes potty after brushing her teeth and wears panties to bed… I am so proud of her!! Diapers are only a last resort, and if I don’t have to buy anymore that would be awesome!

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