April Fools

Jeremy asked me today “Was yesterday Easter?” I am thinking that we were so busy and he was having so much fun that he forgot that it really was just yesterday. I answered him and said “Yes, and today is April fools.” I hear Tyra exclaim “YES!” and then Dinah asked me “What’s April fools?” I looked at her and asked “How did your hair get all red?” And she flipped out and tried to look at it, so I said “April Fools!” So now the kids are going around the table trying to fool each other.

Tyra: Ethan, there is something in your ear!
Ethan: Ya, it’s called WAX!

So she tried again:
Tyra: Ethan, there is something in your nose!
Ethan: Ya, boogers!

Dinah: Mommy! How is your hair turning pink?
Me: My hair isn’t turning pink.

Tyra: Jeremy your shirt is changing colors.
Jeremy: No it’s not!

I told them they should stop trying to come up with random jokes and actually try to come up with something that sounds real, but they just weren’t getting it. So I got their attention, and said:

GUYS! Instead of nap time today…we are….going…to…have a popcorn party! Most of them yelled “Yay!!!” Then I yelled “APRIL FOOLS NOW GO LAY DOWN!” I think Ethan saw that one coming because he was laughing at everyone that believed me. Like I would give up nap time so the kids can throw popcorn all over the house for me to clean up. Ya right! 😛

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