Pinewood Derby

We left Tiffany’s reception and drove all night long to try to get home in time for Tyra’s pinewood derby with the activity days girls and Ethan’s cub scout derby right after. Grandpa had helped them make their cars yesterday after the wedding and before the reception.



Unfortunately we got home too late for Tyra’s, but we were just in time for Ethan’s. Kyle and Ethan put their uniforms on, and Kyle helped put the wheels on Ethan’s car and the two of them went to the church.

The other kids were quite tired and we didn’t have enough time to get them all dressed to all go to the church, so I stayed home with them. I was sad to miss the derby this year, I’ve never missed it before. 🙁 From Kyle’s reports of the race, it sounds like Ethan’s car did a better job this year than it did last year (it actually made it past the finish line every time this year!), and he placed third in the Webelos den. I am REALLY annoyed that they didn’t announce the overall ranking, which means I have no idea how he did compared with the rest of the pack. I feel like if this is going to be a pack activity they should just rank the boys according to how they did compared to the rest of the pack, not just their fellow den members, but that is just my opinion.

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