Family Home Evening – Being Thankful for our Blessings

Song: We Are a Happy Family

Topic: Years ago, long before Rebecca and I met, and even before I went on my mission, my sister Laurel came down from Utah to visit our family in Anaheim. Now, she did this frequently enough, but this one occasion was on a Fast Sunday. My brave sister got up in church to bear her testimony, and she said something that always stuck with me: she was thankful for carpet.

That statement always had me thinking, as there are so many things we take advantage of and don’t even consider how fortunate we are to have. So my lesson this FHE was simple: let’s find out what everybody is thankful for, and make a list. (I used their initials when typing up the list, but I could be either K or D.) It’s a rather raw list, so bare with the information and let’s see what they are thankful for:

Things we are thankful for: K:Carpet, J:Legos and Lego Magazine; L:Milk; M:The House; T:Going to Church, Clothes; M:Air Conditioning; E:Having Friends; M:Siblings; J:Holidays; D:Bruvahs and Sistahs; C:Teachers; T:Naps; J:School and Bikes and School things; K:Teeth and Food and Clean dishes and a Dishwasher; M:Water in the house; D:Ground and carpet; T:Hair; L:Diapers; T:Leashes for walking dogs; M:Healthy body; C:Milk; D:Medicine; T:Money; K:Phones and electricity and TV and Games and Movies; E:Vitamins; J:Glass windows and Books; T:Puzzles and board games; E:Chewy and Jango (pets); M:Cameras and Pictures to remember our family history; T:Babies; D:Computers and little computers (iPad); J:Electricity so we have Lights; T:Scriptures; K:Cars and Fuel to help them go and People who fix our cars; J:Maps to know where to go; T:School and classrooms and tables and chairs and teachers; J&T:Jesus; D:Families; J:Food; T:Undies; J:Earth and our Bodies and Eyes; E:Mouth, Nose, Ears.

Closing song: (My Heavenly Father Loves Me) Whenever I hear the song of a bird

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