Hormones are Horrible!

No I’m not pregnant. But I think I would rather be pregnant than be on this horrible emotional roller coaster that I’ve been on the past several months. Over the past several months I’ve been noticing this pattern. Emotionally I’ve been feeling quite low, getting very depressed, and overwhelmed. I seriously hit rock bottom, and feel like I hate my life. I hate that the house is such a mess and I feel like I’m never going to dig myself out of the mess. I hate that Kyle is almost never home and that he doesn’t make time to spend with me. I hate that I’m the only one that ever cleans anything in our house and the kids literally throw fits anytime I ask them to do anything, even if it’s something as simple as ‘Please pick up and put your shoes away’. I hate that the kids are rarely obedient and act like they don’t like me. I hate that financially we’ve never been able to budget. Kyle is gone so much it’s hard to sit down and look at the numbers and decide where money should go. And he and I have different priorities on where the money should go first. All of these things will press on me all at once and I seriously hit rock bottom. Then within the next day or two my monthly cycle starts. EVERY TIME! Hormones are seriously messing with me! Because after the start of my cycle, things go back to normal, and I can see that even though the house is seriously messy and cluttered, it IS getting better, which happens to be a step in the right direction and I actually get excited as I go through and declutter and purge stuff from my house. But then it starts all over again with me getting super depressed and overwhelmed and hating everything and then within a day or two my cycle will start! So now when I start getting that super depressed feeling I think to myself, it must be just about time to start a new cycle, but it still doesn’t help to be feeling so horribly depressed. This roller coaster is driving me crazy!

Have I lost my mind????

I have always said that I refuse to use cloth diapers. I’m the oldest of 10 kids. I remember changing a lot of diapers, as a kid, because mom had her hands full and well someone needed to do it. But mom used cloth diapers for a lot of years, and I HATED scraping poop into the toilet, and having to ‘rinse’ the diaper out in the toilet before putting it in the laundry hamper. I also feared pinning the diaper on. It’s hard to shove the diaper pin through so much fabric, it often gets awkward  and there’s always the fear of ending up stabbing yourself when the pin doesn’t come through where you were expecting it to. Mom claims that I once stabbed the baby with the diaper pin, and that was when she switched to using disposable diapers.

Kyle hasn’t really had any experience with cloth diapers aside from, he says he wore them. So he has never seen any problem with using cloth diapers.

So that brings me today. I must have lost my mind. We’ve talked of Kyle dropping the second job, and have wondered if we could afford to drop the second income. So I decided that maybe we should give cloth diapers a chance. We could build up a supply of them while Kyle is still working both jobs, then, someday when Kyle finally drops the second job we won’t have the expense of buying diapers any more.

Well I found these abslutely perfect diapers online. No pins, no nasty plastic over pants, and if you use a diaper liner, no scraping poop into the toilet!


They are all one thing. You just put the pads that they come with inside the inner pocket and they are good to go. Some brands that I’ve found have snaps some have velcro. They are called ‘one size’ diapers because they are adjustable from newborn to potty training. So for Dinah and Chloe I can use the same diapers. Dinah just LOVES them, when the ‘pink diapers’ (we have a few pink ones in addition to these adorable purple ones) are in the diaper stacker, those are the ones she will choose, she will have nothing to do with disposables if she has anything to say about it.  So I actually might like this cloth diapering thing. 😛

Bathroom Update

Just a quickie.  We got the toilet fixed from Dinah’s mischief, by calling a plumber who came out, pulled the toilet off, pushed the piece out through the back, and put everything back together.

Maybe I’m in the wrong profession.  For him to do this, including the “gas fee,” was $105, for less than 45 minutes of work.  But I know if I were to try and do it myself, it’d be the better part of a day, and I don’t have the tools nor do I have the experience to pull the toilet off without flooding the floor with used water.. I’d say that was money well spent.

I still need to get the shower working properly.  We’ll try it on Saturday, and hopefully I can take the piece to a plumbing supply store to get it replaced, if I can’t figure out why it can’t serve both temperatures at the same time.

FHE #22

Well it has been a REALLY long time since we last had a “Family Home Evening”. Right after Chloe was born we really just slacked off in having an official FHE. I hate feeling like if *I* don’t do something, it’s just not going to get done. SO here we are with a new year, and *I* am initiating and insisting that we start having Family Home Evening again. This year I decided that I would just use this binder of FHE lessons that our ward Relief Society had available to buy at Fabulous Friday last fall.


Opening Song: “When He Comes Again” Children’s Songbook pg 82

Opening Prayer: Mommy

Scripture: John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Read by Tyra

Lesson Idea: “Jesus taught us how to live Heavenly Father’s commandments. With His teachings we can keep our spiritual boat afloat. Jesus asked Heavenly Father to forgive us of our sins if we repent. He died for us and was resurrected so that we might live again. If you don’t want to sink, follow the teachings of Jesus. He will bring you safely home. We have a map for our journey through life. This may be found in the scriptures. Read the scriptures daily to stay in the lifeboat the Lord has provided. Jesus is our life Savior. When sailing the seas of life, He is the captain of our ship. We can be protected against evil as we read the scriptures and learn of His teachings. We can sail safely to our heavenly home as we obey His commandments. He has shown us the way back. Jesus wants us to have faith in Him and know that His death was for a purpose. He had the power to save His own life, but He knew He had to go to Jerusalem to suffer and die for us.” (That’s the lesson straight out of the book, and it was read by Ethan)

Activity: “You will need a drinking glass or pint size jar filled with at least three inches of water, an egg, and lots of salt. The glass and water symbolize the world. The egg represents each of us. The salt is the teachings of Jesus or the gospel. Put the egg into the water and the egg will sink. Explain that without Jesus we would sink too. Then add the salt of the teachings of Jesus, making sure that you spread the gospel (dissolve the salt in the water) around. The egg will float symbolizing that Jesus’ teachings will help keep us afloat.” (Performed by Mommy).

Treat: Doughnuts, bagels or lifesavers. We had doughnuts MMMMMM 😛

Rainbow Pancakes

Personally, I wanted to call this post “It All Started With Chicken Crap” but for some reason, my wife didn’t like my idea.  She’s not as creative as I, obviously.

I was at work, and I got a random link to the website chickencrap.com.  First time I had heard of the site, so I browsed around a bit and found this page. It seemed really cool, like someone had dipped pancakes into some colourful syrups and stacked them, so I sent Rebecca the link.  She must’ve liked it, because with a quick google search, and with the first link she clicked, found the original site the image came from, and linked it back to me.

She had actually used food colouring to make the batter different colours, and had included the recipe on her site!  Rebecca got excited and decided to test it out for the next morning.  Since we have little kids, we decided on small (silver dollar size) pancakes, which made cute little stacks around 2 inches in diameter, and two inches tall.


Considering the kids are normally so finicky about their pancakes (they normally eat one or two, sometimes three if the syrups are good), for us to see two to three STACKS of pancakes consumed by some of the kids was absolutely stunning!  The pancakes didn’t even have any special flavours; they were just plain pancakes with standard syrup on them.  Fortunately the batter made enough stacks that we were able to save around 10 of them for the next day, which were promptly devoured.

Two thumbs up for the great idea!