
We had a ward Christmas party tonight and Santa there to visit with the kids. Dinah was SO excited to get to see Santa, until she saw him:


Ya, I wasn’t in the room when they got up to Santa, I was circling the building looking for Tyra, but as I came back past the doorway on my search I heard Dinah screaming and she ran out the door crying and I caught her.

Ethan looks totally bored:


Jeremy looks like he was sliding off Santa’s lap in an attempt to be silly.


And I have NO idea how Kyle got a picture of Tyra with Santa since she was not in line with us, and I was busy circling the building looking for her. And Kyle even came out to see if I had found her so how this picture came to be taken is a mystery:


Classic Skating

The Blue Host Christmas party last year was ice skating at an ice rink, this year it’s roller skating! I haven’t roller skated in YEARS. But it was a lot of fun. 🙂 Everyone tried rollerskating (except for Kyle). Dinah got these cute adjustable skates that go on over her regular shoes, and she did pretty good skating on the carpet. Then I took her out on the rink, and it was harder. I had to hold her up and help her balance all the way around the rink and we did that several times. Ethan tried skating, and while I was going around with Dinah I looked back to see how he was doing and it was the funniest sight. He was scooting around in his skates on him bottom, needless to say him bum was quite dirty. 😛 Then he gave up the skates and asked for a scooter.


Tyra and Jeremy wore skates all night, but Jeremy never came onto the rink at all, and Tyra I think was on the rink briefly. They basically skated around the rink on the carpet since it was easier.


I’m kind of bummed that there aren’t many pictures of the night, you’d think that since Kyle had no intentions of skating that he would have at least made sure to get some good pictures. Oh well, at least there were some. 🙂

Chloe Rolled Over!

YAY! Chloe rolled over today. She’s been almost rolling over for awhile now, but today she figured out how to get her arm out of the way and actually go all the way over.


Isn’t it funny how babies always roll over, then they get mad because they don’t like being on their tummy, and can’t figure out how to get back over. So you flip them back onto their back, and they roll over to their tummy again, and get mad all over again……I think that’s funny. 🙂

Stitches :(

Well one of my kids has finally done something to require stitches. 🙁 Up until now we’ve never had to deal with anything like this. Kids get bonked that’s normal. I’ve dealt with cuts, scrapes & bruises before, but alas, almost 7 years into being a mommy, Ethan decided he wasn’t going to watch where he was going, and he got hurt. The story goes like this:

He was throwing around a cardboard ring (trash really but he was playing with it). He would throw it, then he would run to go get it, basically playing “catch” with himself. He threw it into my room (which is a huge mess) and I was in there folding laundry so I asked him to go back to his room and finish cleaning it up so I could vacuum. SO he threw the cardboard ring into his room. Then he ran to go get it, and that’s when it happened….. He was NOT watching where he was going. Jeremy was playing on the rug in their room and Ethan tripped over Jeremy and went flying and hit his head on the side of his bed. I heard him freaking out, rolled my eyes (he over-reacts quite a lot these days) and I asked Kyle if he would go find out what happened. Then I hear Kyle freaking out. So I put down the laundry and went to go see what Ethan had done. He had a gash about an inch long on his forehead, bleeding everywhere. So Kyle handed Chloe to me, and got Ethan a washcloth to put on his forehead and took him to the instacare for stitches. 🙁

He got 4 of them:


Why does he look so happy???? Well it could be that he got a lolly pop, some stickers and a Woody toy out of it. Kyle decided that he was so good for the stitches (no crying or squirming, just some whimpering) so he decided to take Ethan to the store to pick a toy.

Later he said that he was hoping that his body would fly up and land ON his bed, but he missed and hit the side of the bed instead.

Just seeing him with that owie on his forehead reminds me of the time he fell over and hit his head on an alphabet block:


January 2004