Halloween Fasion Show

It’s that time of year again, time to get out the costumes and see what fits who. 🙂


Jeremy tried on the Snoopy, and the Ghostbusters costumes.


Dinah tried on the little dutch girl (which I wore when I was a little girl), the lady bug, and the Super Girl costumes.


Tyra tried on the cat, a ballerina, a witch and a gypsy (?) costume.


And Ethan tried on the Ghostbusters (it’s a bit tight), a clown, the potato sack costume, and the Spider Man costume.

Be sure to check out the photo gallery for the other pictures. 🙂

General Conference

I always look forward to hearing the words of our Church leaders at General Conference. And Kyle and I have been trying to get our kids to pay more attention too. This time I think focusing on General Conference was even more of a challenge than it has been in the past. In the past, since we don’t have satellite tv or cable tv or anything like that (one less bill yay!) we’ve pretty much been able to get the station showing General Conference by putting a safety pin, or a paper clip in the antenna spot in the back of the tv. Not the best quality picture you could get, but it was good enough that we could see who was talking and hear them talking to us. BUT now that tv has gone digital, that didn’t work, so we ended up listening to conference on the radio. 🙂

So with not being able to SEE conference, and having the distraction of kids that just couldn’t sit still and listen to conference, I did my best to listen, and take notes on things that I found interesting or things I felt I needed to improve on. Such as:

  • Provide an environment where the Spirit can be felt daily in our homes, also provide a quiet time, so that we will be able to feel the promptings of the still small voice of the Spirit.

I love Elder Bednar’s talk from the Saturday morning session. There is just so much to glean from it.

  • Be more diligent and concerned at home
  • Express love frequently, sincerely, say it, mean it, and show it. (How easy is it to fall into the trap of doing all the things that need to be done, and not taking the time to tell your spouse and your children that you love them. I find myself in that position all the time.) 🙁
  • Bear heartfelt testimony, mean it, and live it. (I’m not very good at this considering I don’t open up very easily. I generally keep my feelings to myself, which I guess could be the result of being made fun of for so many years.) :/
  • Be consistent with family home evening (working on that), scripture study (that needs work too), and family prayer (we’ve got bedtime prayer down, just need to work on morning prayer).
  • Neil A Anderson mentioned that repentance isn’t always some big process, but it can also be as simple as quietly striving to change and be better.
  • President Henry B Eyering said “When you keep trying, you are doing what Jesus does.”
  • Quentin L Cook “Remember that having religious observance in the home is as important as providing food, clothing, and shelter.”
  • D Todd Christofferson reminds us to be diligent with family home evening, family prayer, and scripture study (wait! Elder Bednar said the same thing, maybe I really needed to hear that. Hmmm)


Well we’ve already had freezing nights, and so I had to go out and harvest what I could from the garden and this is what I brought in:


What a beautiful sight. Jeremy is very excited about his pumpkins which weigh in at 30 lbs, and 11 lbs. The melons and a lot of the tomatoes aren’t ripe yet, but hopefully they’ll ripen up nicely. And those beautiful purple peppers just give this already beautiful picture, a bit more color don’t you think? 😉