My brown eyed girl turned 6 this week. She has been looking forward to her birthday since Ethan’s birthday in January. She has been inviting EVERYONE to her birthday party since Ethan’s birthday, too. She could hardly wait for her birthday, and now she is 6!

Tyra joined our family 5 May 2004. She just couldn’t wait one more day, which resulted in her being born on her cousin Lars’ 1st birthday. But I was went into labor spontaneously and about 4 hours later I was holding my Tyra. (You can read the whole birth story here, if you so desire.)


She has always been a child that is just full of smiles.


She has also always been a girly girl. Look at those chubby cheeks!


She LOVES attention.


She is so beautiful.



She loves school and her teachers. Mrs Spaulding:


And Miss Joy:


I got to come down to the school to bring a birthday treat for Tyra to pass out to her friends. She picked Girl Scout Samoas as her treat to share. 🙂

And now my little girl is SIX! I can hardly believe it. First thing this morning she came into my room and slapped my bed saying “MOM! I’m SIX!” What a wake up call. 😛


This is a picture of Tyra when Kyle got home LATE at night on her birthday. See how excited she is that’s it’s her birthday (even if by this point her birthday was practically over)?

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