Debby & Jeff Move Away

Since Jeff has finished his training for the army, he has received orders to transfer to Fort Hood, Texas. So he has been home on leave to pack up his family and take them with.

Debby and Jeff spent today cleaning up their condo, and after we put the kids to bed they swung by to return our vacuums. They had borrowed ours so the movers could put theirs on the truck, but I didn’t actually get the vacuums to them until the movers were done packing up their stuff. My camera already made a trip to California without me, I did NOT want my vacuums taking a trip to Texas! 😛

Debby and Jeff had planned on leaving earlier in the week, but the movers postponed packing up their condo a couple of times, but they finally came, and got everything loaded up. Debby and Jeff postponed their departure so they could clean up the condo, and now it’s all done. They had a management company come in to take pictures so they can advertize that it’s for rent, and now they are ready to head East. 🙁

They will actually be spending the night with a friend tonight, and they plan on hitting the road first thing in the morning. But I didn’t let them go away without sending them with a case of jam, and a huge chunk of fudge and some other things. 🙂 Now I’m back to not having any of my family live anywhere nearby.

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