Baby Names

Every now and then we like to ask the kids what we should name the baby if it is a boy, or if it is a girl. They mostly answer with their favorite cartoon characters, recently someone suggested we name the baby Zuko if it’s a boy or Azula if it’s a girl (just because they had been watching Avatar the Last Airbender). Here are some of the ideas from today:

Tyra’s idea: Cheer Bear. I had to ask her if she knew anybody at school with a name like Cheer Bear.

Jeremy’s idea: Chase. He said it so fast though, that I totally thought he said Cheese, and I told him we are NOT going to name the baby Cheese!) Then Kyle threw out the comment “Mommy’s chasing Chase!” Ya that sounds great (I don’t need another kid that’s going to run away.

Then Kyle threw out these wacko ideas:

Hejoo (pronounced Hey You)

Who. And then Kyle mentioned this scenario “Who made this mess?” “No I didn’t!”

Nobody. “Nobody did it” “No I didn’t”.

Sometimes I wonder why we ask the kids for their ideas. But looking at the ideas mentioned here, I’m currently wondering why I ask Kyle’s opinion either. Just kidding, I know he’s just being silly and trying to make me laugh. However, he is going to have to get serious soon and help me pick out a name we can both agree on. 😛

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