
While I was at a meeting for Girl Scout leaders tonight, Ethan lost two teeth! So when I got home, I got to give him two envelopes to put them in, and then we proceeded to put the kids to bed. While we were in the process of brushing the kids teeth and making sure they use the bathroom one last time for the night, Tyra was throwing a fit saying “It’s not fair! He’s lost nine teeth and I’ve only lost eight”. Of course Ethan denied that he has lost more teeth than she has. And Kyle pointed out to Tyra that Ethan is older, and up to this point TYRA was the one that had lost more teeth. So Tyra, in her over-dramatic attitude started demanding to know which of them had lost more teeth. I just told her that I didn’t know and it really didn’t matter. Eventually both of them would end up losing all twenty of their baby teeth, and it really didn’t matter who did that first. But later I consulted with the Tooth Fairy, and with the two teeth that Ethan lost tonight, Ethan and Tyra are now TIED at 8 and 8! Maybe Tyra was really just upset because she has never lost two in the same day?

The Last Day of School 2012

Here we are, and it’s the last day of school. Jeremy has finished kindergarten. Here he is with his teacher, Mrs. Pinder:


Tyra has finished second grade. Here she is with her teacher, Mrs. Gustafson:


And Ethan has finished the third grade. Here he is with his teacher, Mrs. Quist:


So far, none of our kids have had the same teacher for any grade. I know that eventually that pattern will have to break because we have a lot of kids, but so far we have had to get to know all new teachers every year. Next year Jeremy will go to school all day like the other two. He is really looking forward to needing a lunchbox. 🙂

I must say though, that I am very glad that the school year is over. I’ve been finding it very hard to be motivated to get out of bed early enough to wake up all the kids and get them ready first thing in the morning. And I have really been disliking the homework fight that happens every day after school. I am really ready for this break. 🙂 Also, the end of the school year, means the end of babysitting extra kids, for me. I think most people I talk to, think I’m totally crazy to be looking forward to the summer vacation with all of my many kids being home all the time. But really they are all MY kids, and I won’t need to deal with someone else’s kids at all anymore. Looking forward to a happy summer, filled with spending time with my kids and getting ready to welcome number 7 to our family!

Jeremy’s Kindergarten Graduation

Jeremy had his kindergarten graduation today. Kyle worked from home this morning so that he could come too. The kindergarten class wore the same green caps and gowns that Tyra’s class wore last year, and they sang a couple of songs for the parents before they were presented with their certificates. Kyle video taped the ceremony while I took pictures and tried to keep our kids (and the kids that I babysit) in their seats. Unfortunately when we got home and I tried to copy the pictures over to my computer, something went wrong and my computer isn’t able to recognize that there are any pictures on the SD card. That REALLY makes me sad, because I got some really good pictures, and now I can’t access them. So Kyle is working on trying to fix that (if it’s even possible). Right now though, I don’t have any pictures of the graduation. At least Kyle video taped it, but my computer’s SD drive is having issues reading any SD card and so I can’t save that to my computer either. 🙁 But Jeremy graduated from kindergarten and he is already talking about needing to get a lunch box for next year. 😉

Happy Birthday Kyle!

Look at me! I’m on a roll! Birthdays didn’t always get celebrated ON the actual day, but I’m trying to be better about that, and today we celebrated Kyle’s birthday. 🙂

Kyle decided what birthday cake he wanted, when everyone was here for Tyra’s birthday weekend. I had tried a cake recipe to use with the strawberries, since Tyra wanted strawberry shortcake, and then I noticed that the cake recipe said to frost with penuche frosting, and that recipe was right below. The next day, while we still had my family here to help us eat it, I made the cake over again so that I could try it with the penuche frosting. As we were eating that, Kyle thought it would be awesome to try the frosting on chocolate cake instead. So that is what I made for Kyle today, chocolate cake with penuche frosting.



I have had Kyle’s birthday present for months. He had no idea that I had it, though. I bought it online with some other stuff that I had ordered for Christmas (so that’s how long I’ve had it), and then I hid it so that he would have no clue it existed. A few weeks ago I pulled it out and wrapped it, (so that I wouldn’t get to the moment to give it to him and realize that I had totally forgotten to wrap it) and then I put it on top of the book shelf in the entry way. As soon as Kyle knew it was there (the kids told him that it was for him of course!) he started with the ‘maybe it’s a…’ thing that he does. In the past he would do that to try to get clues out of me, and he would end up figuring out what his present is way ahead of time. This time I let him know right up front that the kids have NO idea what it is, and therefore they couldn’t tell him, and every time he started with his guessing, I basically just told him to shut up!


Love you honey, and happy birthday!

Baby Names

Every now and then we like to ask the kids what we should name the baby if it is a boy, or if it is a girl. They mostly answer with their favorite cartoon characters, recently someone suggested we name the baby Zuko if it’s a boy or Azula if it’s a girl (just because they had been watching Avatar the Last Airbender). Here are some of the ideas from today:

Tyra’s idea: Cheer Bear. I had to ask her if she knew anybody at school with a name like Cheer Bear.

Jeremy’s idea: Chase. He said it so fast though, that I totally thought he said Cheese, and I told him we are NOT going to name the baby Cheese!) Then Kyle threw out the comment “Mommy’s chasing Chase!” Ya that sounds great (I don’t need another kid that’s going to run away.

Then Kyle threw out these wacko ideas:

Hejoo (pronounced Hey You)

Who. And then Kyle mentioned this scenario “Who made this mess?” “No I didn’t!”

Nobody. “Nobody did it” “No I didn’t”.

Sometimes I wonder why we ask the kids for their ideas. But looking at the ideas mentioned here, I’m currently wondering why I ask Kyle’s opinion either. Just kidding, I know he’s just being silly and trying to make me laugh. However, he is going to have to get serious soon and help me pick out a name we can both agree on. 😛