Sit n’ Spin

Friday, we went to target because Dad wanted to take the kids shopping so they could pick out their Christmas presents. Dad figured this would be a better idea than him picking things out and shipping them, and since they were coming up right after Christmas anyways, why ship anything? Anyways, so we went shopping so the kids could pick out what they wanted for Christmas. While we were there, we found a sit n’ spin! That was just so awesome! None of the kids picked it, probably because they had no idea what it was, and were too interested in looking at other things. But it was reasonably priced and Dad told Mom to pick it up. So the past couple of days the kids have been trying it out and figuring out how to make it work.


Tyra got on it the other night and pulled at the wheel and said “It doesn’t work!” Obviously she wasn’t doing it right. Today Chloe figured it out. She doesn’t go very fast, but she can make it spin on her own! She is so dang cute.

I remember when I was a kid we had a purple sit n’ spin, and I used to make that thing turn so fast that the world was just a blur to me! I did get on it the other night, just to see if I could still do it. With my belly in the way it was difficult, but I could still make it spin! No I couldn’t go as fast as I could in my childhood days, but I was able to show the kids my hand over hand trick to keep it in continuous motion. 😉

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