Yellow Watermelon and Red Corn

Just by reading the title of this post, I’ll bet some of you think that I’ve got it backwards. Corn is yellow and watermelon is red. But for dinner tonight we did indeed have yellow watermelon and red corn. 🙂


We harvested Ethan’s second watermelon tonight, and I asked Ethan, Tyra and Jeremy what color they thought the inside would be. We actually planted seeds for red, orange and yellow fleshed watermelons. Ethan said red. Tyra and Jeremy both said orange and Kyle said that he was going to pick yellow just because none of the kids did. Well I sliced into it and it was in fact yellow- 16 pounds of yummy yellow goodness. 😛CIMG2417

And here is a picture of our beautiful corn:


This is the first time I’ve ever gotten corn from my own plant. I have planted corn before, back when I was in high school. I started it in little pots and they got to be about 2 feet high and died (my parents didn’t want me digging anything up to plant my corn in the ground). So I am SO excited that I planted corn and actually got to EAT IT. The ears were rather small, but that was just perfect for the kids. I was able to give them each their own little cob.

Dinner around here was very exciting tonight, and I can’t wait till next spring so I can plant more really cool stuff. 😀

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